

Ever since our establishment, we try our best to make our customers happy. In Japanese, 三幸(Sanko)literally means 3 happiness. The company name (Sanko) contains the idea of pursuing happiness to its three pillars: society(customers), company, and employees through technology (Techno).
With this idea in mind, we aim to create a prosperous place where people can live with peace of mind through business activities and community-based activities under the Sanko Techno Group Moral Charter while continuing to contribute to the development of SDGs for a sustainable society.

Sanko Techno Group Moral Charter


  • 1.We value the relationship of trust with our customers
  • 2.We develop fair business activities
  • 3.We aim to become a good corporate citizen
  • 4.We value the connection between people
  • 5.We create a comfortable working environment
  • 6.We aim for globalization
  • 7.We work to protect global environment
What are SDGs?
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are international goals adopted at the United Nations Summit in September 2015. It consists of 17 goals and 169 targets to achieve a sustainable world. Each country is working together and pledges that “no one on the planet will be left behind”.
Our Company’s Main Efforts
1. Company tour, On-the-job-training and Internships

We accept company tours and workplace experience learning for elementary, junior high and high school students, mainly at the head office and surrounding business establishments. We also accept internships in collaboration with universities.

2. Community Collaboration

We aim to collaborate with the local community by co-sponsoring and participating in local events (fireworks festivals, local festivals, etc.) and events by local universities.

3. Environmental Load Reduction

In addition to using LEDs for in-house lighting and hybridizing company-owned vehicles, we are also working to reduce CO2 emissions by installing a solar power generation system in some of the company buildings and using the power obtained from solar power generation as part of the power used.

4. Promotion of Gender Equality and Women Empowerment

In 2016, we established the Women’s Advancement Promotion Council with the aim of improving work environment and creating a career development system that allows women to demonstrate their individual abilities. Starting from this council, we hold exchange meetings and study sessions for female employees nationwide. We also conduct roundtable discussions by employees after maternity and childcare leave, as well as career maps and mom support consultation counter. We are working to increase the ratio of female managers while promoting and supporting maternity and childcare leave.

5. Creating a Comfortable and Rewarding Work Environment

In order to improve the skills of our employees, we expand self-development and education programs such as correspondence education, e-learning, and a re-employment system that provides a place for employees who wish to continue working after retirement. In addition, we have acquired [Ethics 17000] a license issued by the Institute of Ethics given to excellent companies that strive to improve and practice their ethical standards and management.

6. Pursuing Employee Safety and Security

In addition to encouraging employees to take paid leave and operating a short-term leave system, we also optimize working hours by improving efficiency through 5S activities and the introduction of DX (Digital Transformation). We aim to achieve a work-life balance as well as the protection of physical and mental health of our employees through thorough health and stress checkups and setting up a consultation counter for harassment in the work place.

7. Manufacturer Roles and Responsibilities

As a manufacturer of “post-installed anchors”, we are continuously working on quality improvement based on ISO9001 and our company’s quality policy which is “contributing to society by providing high quality products and services that are in harmony with the social environment.” In addition, we naturally reuse the plastic containers used in our products, develop products that are easy to separate and dispose of after use, and enhance our maintenance system so that our customers can use our products for a longer period of time.

8. Pursuing Customized Fastening Technologies

In addition to pursuing customized fastening technologies such as post-installed anchors, we are also collaborating with various organizations such as other companies and educational institutions regarding product and installation method development. We strive to contribute to the construction of robust infrastructure which is the foundation of economic activities and industries.

Our Main Efforts
  • 1. Company tour, On-the-job training and Internships
  • 2. Community Collaboration
  • 3. Environmental Load Reduction
  • 4. Promotion of Gender Equality and Women Empowerment
  • 5. Creating a comfortable and rewarding work environment
  • 6. Pursuing Employee Safety and Security
  • 7. Manufacturer Roles and Responsibilities
  • 8. Pursuing Customized Fastening Technologies